The Pre/Post Rut Formula - Mock Scrape Deer Scent outperforms real scents because it is:
- Always fresh
- Never spoils
- No bacterial breakdown
Buck Fever Synthetic Scents are 100% SYNTHETIC. They contain no animal urines, feces or secretions of any kind. Made in the USA.
The Pre/Post Rut formula Scrape Deer Scent attracts bucks & does from preseason using mock scrapes right on through the post season. Keeps bucks coming back to re-freshen the scrape with their scent and to look for the intruder buck.
DIRECTIONS: Use early season by misting or pouring in mock scrapes or primary scrapes. A little moisture will re-freshen the formula. Pre/Post formula works with scent drippers and scent canisters to scent mark trails, scrapes or vegetation. Regular use will encourage bucks and does to scent mark with their urine multiple times. Start your synthetic scrapes in summer to attract deer for early season. Remember when making mock scrapes and around primary scrapes leave no human odor behind.
Use the BFS System
Apply Forehead Gland Formula to overhanging branches and Pre/Post Rut Formula or Full Rut Formula in your scrape. Use Vanishing Hunter odor eliminator to control human odors.
Set a mock scrape line using pre-rut in the scrapes, with F-gland above all my mock scrapes. Within 12-hrs I was able to pull bucks away from their regular scrape line they have been working since summertime. These products are the real deal, I have to thank Ty McCombs for turning me onto this stuff, I never would have given this a shot otherwise. I am a convert and will be using these religiously from now on! I can't wait to get the rut formula down on my scrapes tomorrow, that is some seriously potent stuff...
Pre/Post Rut Formula
First time using it. Put it all over existing scrapes and 3 different bucks hammered them! I’m a believer in Buck Fever Synthetics now! Great Products!!
Put 4 oz in a scent dripper and some directly in the scrape and the deer will show up and will not spook
Pre rut/post rut
Best products on the market hands down! Does not sour or rot and works every time to attract deer.
Pre/post rut
It is a amazing
Love all of em. /proofs in the pudding
Love it been buying it all sence it came out.. maybe throw me some more for being a badass customer! ?
Pre/Post Rut
My buddy recommended this to me for mock scrapes in conjunction with the forehead gland and i haven't had as much success using any other company natural or synthetic! the stuff works plain and simple!
Pre/post rut
I have used this for probably 20 years to build and condition scrapes. Both natural and artificial. It really works if located in the right locations
Pre/Post Rut
One word AWESOME