Red Moon® Estrous is a premium synthetic deer scent that imitates the mature doe blend of an estrous scent. Made in the USA.
Red Moon® series is a premium synthetic specifically designed and formulated to biologically impact the whitetails during their peak breeding period. These blends replicate the mature buck and mature doe scent that happens during the biological phases of the whitetails rut.
You no longer have to buy expensive real scents that spoil quickly and have limited availability. Red Moon® Estrous has a shelf life of years and lasts months on the ground! Even better, there is ZERO WORRY about disease transmission because Buck Fever is 100% synthetic. The Red Moon® Estrous synthetic deer scent will be a great tool in your arsenal when chasing down that mature buck this fall.
Great product
Been using the buck fever synthetic line for two seasons.. great results on scrapes and killed a buck last week over the red moon estrous and full rut formulas. Great products!
Red moon estrous
Stuff works great! I had a small bottle of this stuff under my stand during the rut and watched a young buck follow a doe right past me and when he caught a whiff of this stuff he stopped dead in his tracks and walked right over to the bottle. One of the neatest things I’ve ever seen. I’ve been hooked ever since. ?
red moon estrous
used first time spilled some on the ground from my scent containers came back days later 7or8 vicous scrapes on the ground 10 trees ripped to pieces
red moon estrous
have not used yet not season but if it's the original formula I used 30+ years ago, it was fantastic. But there was a modification to it 5 years into it and u could tell by color change. creater Kevin kre told me personally he changed up the formula. with that said never worked like it did after formula change, so I stopped using. this was my go to saw half a dozen 150 + bucks nose to the ground all the way in. now comes this buck fever jury out will do a review after season.
Red moon doe estrous
Great product would highly recommend.