Pro Pack All Season - Synthetic Deer Scent Pack
Our pro pack of scents supplies the serious deer hunter a season’s worth of deer scents and scent control!
Our Pro Pack - Synthetic Deer Scent Pack is designed to supply a full season’s worth of synthetic deer scents and scent control to the serious deer hunter.
- 32 oz. Vanishing Hunter
- 8 oz. Pre/Post Rut
- 8 oz. Full Rut
- 8 oz. Forehead Gland
Hunt all phases of the rut and learn to Make Bucks Hunt You!
All season pkg
Packaging was good. Just started my scrape lines here in Ks today with this new to me product. Anxious !
I used this product last year for the first time and had a really nice 8pt in New York come from one mock scrape to another before I shot him. Had freshened both up early that morning on my way to the stand.
Never use intone based again!
I have to admit, I was skeptical at first. I’ve never been a “scent” guy. Other than trying to minimize MY scent. I bought some, figured worst case I just wouldn’t see anything. Wow was I wrong. I gussied up a natural scrape with sporadic activity. Within a week of using it, it’s being hit daily now by deer of all ages. I’m a believer! Absolutely work! I’m spreading the word on GoWild as well!
Pro pack
Never created a mock scrape with a licking branch, but went out with buck fever pro pack to a new property and found a natural funnel with several immature beech trees over hanging a ridge that has bedding on both sides. Created several mock scrapes with licking branches and hung a camera and within hours deer have been showing up from bachelor bucks, does, and fawns.
Worst spot ever.
So I was the last person to get onto this deer lease in south Texas, so I was given the worst spot on the ranch. 5 Hunters on 1K ranch but I was given about a 100 acre spot that up against a high fence, a real Sh*t hole, but 6 months of using these products the other hunters were blown away at the pics of bucks in my spot, and no one scored a bigger deer than me the 2 years I hunted there. This is a great product with easy to follow directions.